自10月1日起,此网页上的信息已更改, 2023, 以反映新的EEAAP过程在AdobeSign.  eeaap不再在ServiceNow中创建.

同等有效的备用存取计划的目的是什么? (EEAAP)

When ICT products or services do not fully conform to Section 508 accessibility standards, an EEAAP provides a pre-planned alternate access method that bypasses known accessibility barriers. 用EEAAP, users who may be affected by known accessibility barriers will have a way to get relief and reduce the burden accessibility barriers may present. 除了, the EEAAP process makes barriers known to the end-user upfront before interacting with the product; these choices save time and reduce frustration for those affected.


Note that an EEAAP is not an accommodation plan; EEAAPs are created proactively to address specific technology barriers and name alternate solutions to that technology that will apply to a group of affected users. 住宿是被动的,以个人为基础. 如果EEAAP声明, ,请联系OSD寻求帮助, “它被错误地创造出来,没有提供任何价值. Individualized accommodations will always occur when necessary; we don't need an EEAAP to tell us that.


因为技术很少是100%可访问的, eeaap通常是在无障碍采购过程中创建的, especially if a high-impact product or service has a significant accessibility barrier. 偶尔, an EEAAP is required later when accessibility barriers are discovered once the technology has been in use. A common reason for creating an EEAAP later includes product revisions that negatively impact accessibility or if a vendor has not addressed known issues.


  • The technology has a significant accessibility barrier (an issue that would prevent someone from using the technology for its intended purpose or "core function")


  • 这项技术不是针对单个用户的,而是针对多个用户的
  • 技术是学生课程作业或员工工作流程的必要组成部分
  • 该技术旨在用于可预见的未来(不是试点)。



  • 足彩外围网站产品已知易访问性障碍的明确信息 
  • 谁可能受到影响,包括场景或用例
  • 任何导致问题的技术依赖,或者是变通方法的一部分
  • 为最终用户提供相同或类似结果和便利性的解决方案
  • 提供替代解决方案所需的人员和资源
  • How and by which means a user will get help if they experience a problem; an accessibility statement
  • 频繁的修改, 至少每年一次, 并配合技术更新或重大技术更新


  • Generic accommodation statements instructing the student to contact the Office of 学生 with Disabilities (OSD)
  • 没有概述有效替代方案的通用支持声明
  • EEAAP解决方案中指定的人员必须知道他们的角色, 积极参与EEAAP进程. Do not name personnel without informing those individuals of their role in contributing to an alternative solution.


Review the sections below if you have received an EEAAP to complete via AdobeSign or before attempting to initiate an EEAAP yourself. 通常, EEAAPs are initiated by ITS 可访问性 Service as a component of an ITC Purchase Approval Request accessibility review process. However, there is also a template in AdobeSign where users can create an EEAAP from scratch.

在典型情况下,EEAAP是ICT-PAR过程的一部分, it will be received by the college or department ITC with pre-populated accessibility barrier information and an accessibility statement obtained during the accessibility review process by ITS 可访问性 Services.

The EEAAP document is first routed to the ITC named in the ITC-PAR and then to the product requester and appropriate administrators of the college or department. Finally, it returns to ITS 可访问性 Services for review and upload to the ACR库. 在每次产品更新时审查eeaap.

The Information Technology Consultant (ITC) assigned to your college or division is the first person to receive the EEAAP via AdobeSign.


The ITC should work with the product requester to complete the section of the EEAAP "Describe the Alternate Means of Access." 除了, the ITC should review the accessibility statement and provide contact information.  Click on the next section for more information on completing the required portions of the EEAAP.

国际贸易中心应代表下列各节填写, 在与, 产品请求者:


The accessibility statement already contains the accessibility barriers information and the end-users who may be affected. The ITC must work with the product requester to determine the contact information for a real person so that an individual affected by this accessibility barrier can instead initiate the EEAAP alternative solution to reduce frustration and effort. 包括一个真实的人的名字和至少两种联系方式. 不要求最终用户在特定地点或时间联系此人.


在本节中, the ITC must ask the product requester to determine an alternative method for end-users to achieve the same desired outcome without using the product with accessibility barriers.

For example, suppose the product is used to retrieve and submit homework or assignments. 在这种情况下, the professor should outline an alternative method to retrieve and submit assignments that will not rely on the inaccessible product. 要真正有效, this alternative should be available to the student whenever the regular method is available. 换句话说, if the alternative method requires the student to retrieve or submit homework or assignments during specific business hours or at a particular location, 另一种选择并不同样有效, 作为常规方法,学生总是可以使用的.

另一种选择需要仔细考虑, ,通常, only the product requester can speak to an alternative because they are the individuals who know how they are going to use the product in the first place.

一旦ITC, 与产品请求者一起使用, 已经完成了EEAAP, 它将提交给ITS无障碍服务部门的签名和最终批准.

The completed EEAAP will be stored in the ACR库 within the folder for the product.


产品请求者必须提醒终端用户可访问性障碍. This is accomplished primarily by publishing the accessibility statement wherever the product is used. 为教师, an accessibility statement should be present on the course syllabus where the technology will be used. 除了, 如果这项技术是从足彩外围网站控制的网站上获取的, an accessibility statement should also be present to alert users of the known accessibility barriers and methods to request support.